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Volunteer at an Event

Becoming a motor sport volunteer is the best way of getting close to the action without being in the drivers seat. Volunteers are a vital part of motor sport and without them the sport could not function. Volunteers ensure that events are conducted safely, fairly and that the rules and regulations are upheld. Every motor sport event requires a number of volunteers with various skills to perform a wide range of tasks.

As a volunteer, the club typically (depends on the event and role) covers out of pocket expenses for Senior Volunteers who donate hundreds of hours such as fuel and accomodation etc.

At the event, all volunteers get small cash honorariums and/or a $50 voucher for Bunnings etc. Its the clubs way of saying thanks for the donation of your time.

Many roles exist at a variety of NSSCC run events including:

  • St Ives AutoBrunch: Roles include: Assisting with set up; Helping receive donations; arranging signs etc. Generally the amount of volunteer time at AutoBrunch is only a few hours.
  • Tarmac Rallysprint: Roles include: Flag points; Scrutineering; Timing; Course set up etc. The Tarmac Rallysprint events are generally on a Thursday night in summer and the volunteer roles can be anywhere from 2hrs to 6hrs.
  • Gravel Rallies: Roles include: Course planning; Course Set up; Officials; Admin roles and much more. The rally event is generally in July, and volunteer time can vary from 1hr to 100 hrs!

Volunteers get the best view of the action, on the job training, and a variety of benefits.

Being a volunteer at an event is a highly rewarding experience, and a fantastic opportunity to understand more about how the sport works. If you’re only just getting started in rallying, volunteering at an event will give you great insight into the sport and give you plenty of opportunities to get to know other experienced competitors. For anybody who is already involved in the sport as a competitor, helping out as a volunteer is a great way for you to give back to the sport that you love!

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    Stage team (e.g. control or road closure officials)Service parkSpectator areasManagement/OrganisationCourse carsFire support (MIV)Medical support (MIV)No preference