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Club Historic Registration

The NSSCC club is registered for the Transport of NSW Historic Club Vehicle Registration Scheme. It is available for cars that are largely unmodified, are 30 years or older and are owned by a member of the Club (you must be a financial member and maintain your membership, if not, the registration is void).


  • Historic Rego is typically less than $100 per year including Green Slip costs.
  • No stamp duty is payable, so if you buy a “new” 30 + year old car and convert to Historic Rego you can save thousands of dollars!

If you are interested then you will need to:

Shaun Atkinson

Historic Vehicle Registrar / Club Inspector

Craig Stallard

Club Inspector

Brett Middleton

Club Inspector


The Club relies on volunteers and great team work ensures the success of all our events.

To get more involved and share the fun, consider joining our team of volunteers! You can help a little or a lot.